Spray Foam Insulation for 316 Insulation
Auburn, WA is a two-part liquid that expands when applied to a structure and can be used in a variety of applications including wall cavities, nooks and crannies, and on roof slabs. This type of insulation is very versatile and conforms to fit the unique design of any home or building. It offers a high R-value, is moisture resistant and helps prevent mold growth. Spray foam can also help save homeowners money by decreasing their energy bills.
Understanding the Spray Foam Insulation Process with 316 Insulation
Open and closed-cell spray foam insulation are both great choices for insulating homes. Closed-cell foam insulation is rigid and has higher R-values than open-cell foam. Closed-cell insulation is more expensive but it offers many benefits such as preventing air leakage, blocking moisture transfer, and increasing the structural integrity of the home.
Unlike fiberglass insulation, which loses its insulating power over time, spray foam continues to perform at optimal levels and can save homeowners up to 20% on their energy bills. The inert nature of spray foam also prevents mold and mildew growth, making it a safer option than traditional insulation.
The only downside to spray foam insulation is that it must be cured on-site, which emits toxic fumes. The isocyanates in the spray foam can cause irritation of the eyes, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. Long-term exposure can lead to asthma attacks and chemical bronchitis. For these reasons, it is important to wear a respirator during the installation process and not re-enter the sprayed area for at least 24 hours after spraying.
316 Insulation
420 37th St NW – Unit F, Auburn, WA 98001
(253) 332-7606